
ArticlesNovember 2022

Why VR?

By Miranda Novash, Research Writer at Immerse and  Adjunct Senior Instructor 1 at Portland State University DOI:   Technology has brought positive changes to the language classroom. Thanks to the internet, teachers can expose students to a variety of

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ArticlesJuly 2022

Zooming in on Machine Translation Use in L2 Online Classes: Reflecting on the Future of L2 Writing

By Lisa Merschel and Joan Munné, Duke University     DOI: How are students using translators in online learning contexts? In the March and June 2020 issues of FLTMAG, Faber and Turrero-García (2020) and Henshaw (2020) articulated pedagogical implications

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ArticlesJuly 2022

Technology Integration in Face-to-Face Instruction in the Post-2020 Pandemic Era: Continuing Innovative Teaching Practices

By Sun Young Park and Kara Mac Donald, Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center DOI: The pandemic has wrought unprecedented disruptions and challenges to education, affecting students and teachers across the globe. Teachers were forced to transition rapidly from

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