
We would like to thank these people who have graciously given of their time to review articles for The FLTMAG:

Gretchen Eichenberger Aiyangar, Ella Alhudithi, Hope Anderson, Johnathon Beals, Serge Bibauw, Joseph Borkowski, Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, Evgeny Dengub, Gisele El Khoury, Melissa Fiori, Adan Gallardo, Kevin Gaugler, Luca Giupponi, Adrienne Gonzales, Jean Janecki, Marlene Johnshoy, Matthew Kanefsky, Austin Kaufmann, Beth Kautz, Viviane Klen-Alves, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Angelika Kraemer, Felix Kronenberg, Betsy Lavolette, Natallia Liakina, Valentina Lukin, Sherry Maggin, Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, Priya Panday-Shukla, Jonathan Perkins, Laura Rampazzo, Natalia Roberts, Amanda Romjue, Lauren Rosen, Paul Sebastian, Matthew Taylor, Wonneken Wanske, Kelsey White, Carol Wilson-Duffy, Wenying Zhou, Giovanni Zimotti

Interested in becoming a reviewer for The FLTMAG?

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for The FLTMAG, please read The FLTMAG Guide for Reviewers and then fill out a brief survey to have your name put on the reviewer list. If you have questions, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at