November 2022

ArticlesNovember 2022

Why VR?

By Miranda Novash, Research Writer at Immerse and  Adjunct Senior Instructor 1 at Portland State University DOI:   Technology has brought positive changes to the language classroom. Thanks to the internet, teachers can expose students to a variety of

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InterviewsNovember 2022

IALLT Interview Project Episode 8: Interview about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) with Regina Kaplan-Rakowski, Randall Sadler, and Tricia Thrasher

IALLT Interview Project Episode 8: Interview about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) with Regina Kaplan-Rakowski, Randall Sadler, and Tricia Thrasher DOI: In this interview, Jeff Samuels discusses AR and VR for language learning with Regina Kaplan-Rakowski of

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