
Get Published in the FLTmag

The strongly encourages submissions from our most creative, enthusiastic and innovative language teachers, language center directors and their staff, language technology coordinators/consultants/ assistants/ gurus/ wizards. Please email your submissions to Courtney A Malone: Courtney.Malone at Colorado.EDU.


Blog entries: Big picture items and opinion pieces.

Feature articles: Feature articles are longer pieces that provide in-depth coverage of a substantial topic. The topic of a feature article will go beyond individual practices (what an individual does at his/her institution) and provide a large picture assessment of the topic at hand. Possible topics are digital storytelling, the flipped classroom, ect. (4000 words, =/- 250 words).

Articles: We welcome submissions describing individual practices as well as opinion papers (2000 words, =/- 250 words).

Book reviews: We encourage reviews of mainstream publications on the topic of foreign language education and educational technology. Your review should summarize the main key points of the book and offer a constructive assessment of its strengths and weaknesses (600 words, +/- 50 words).

Technology highlights: We encourage reviews of new and emerging technologies. Make sure to include information about pricing, pros and cons, features (and features lacking), user-friendliness, platform supported, and ways in which it can be useful for language teaching and learning. If there is a similar product on the market, make sure to explain how it compares (300 words, +/- 50 words).

All submissions will go through a double-blind peer-review process. We welcome volunteers to conduct these reviews!

We’re looking forward to reading you!
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions


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